Thursday, October 16, 2008

Day 13 - Mutmut is a little home-sick

I woke up this morning and realized that my whole family is not here. I missed my doggie mom (Skylar - Welch Corgi) the most. Here are some photos of Skylar...and La Jolla where my pack and I would go during weekends.

I lick-attacked my human this morning at around 5am since he snores so loud and I was home-sick. He reacted just like Skylar did in the photo. belly-up. =)

I wanted the big, yummy bone but Skylar said "No way, go away"

(Mutmut - 4 months old)

Skylar is the smartest dog i know. Other dogs might be big and fast. But skylar is loyal and smart. Mutmut is just happy and silly on the other hand.

La Jolla sunset. (my human took the photo)

1 comment:

Happy A. said...

Ruby misses MutMut. And her person misses MutMut's person.