Monday, October 20, 2008

Day 17 - Mutmut missed his human mom

My human mom visited us over the weekend. We went to Asheville and other places. I saw foliage for the first time in my life. it is so pretty. My human-mom left early this morning. I missed her a lot. She gave me a lot of goodies food to eat and she is very nice to me.... two more weeks to fly back to San Diego to see them..


Unknown said...

Hi Mutmut - how is your human?
How are you spending your days?

Mut Mut said...

I am doing great. i slept most of the day and played with my human during the evening. My human thought that i would be bored so he sent me to a doggie hotel in the past few days to play. i had fun.

my human is doing good. he lost a few pounds and he smiled a lot more often too.